Finally some rain and cool air!

The morning was very hot and since there was another power cut all afternoon I was so happy when it started raining this evening! First it was just a short rain but as soon as it was over it got all hot again. But later the big rain came with thunder and now its cool and fresh – I welcome it with open arms.


I have started to get bites on my stomach and on the sides, big red dots that are itching but not intense like mosquito bites but on the other side they stay there very long. These dots has increased in number the last days and after some thought I think they come from one of my mattresses. The bed is too short ao I sleep across the two beds and since I only get bitten on my upper part of the body, I think its "only" one of the mattresses that has bugs. So Runi will change the mattress – hopefully the bugs go away – at least for some time.


There is plenty of writing to do, so I did my best today but will continue tomorrow to get done with the stuff so far. And I feel my English is getting worse the longer I stay here in Sri Lanka – I get heavily influenced of how they speak English around here.


Now its one more week here, then I will go to Batti or hopefully Arugam Bay next weekend and then – its time to go back home!


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