Money Honey!

Im sitting outside and writing. Because its dark I have taken out my bedside lamp so that i can see better. Because of this there are now at least ten different types of insects that crashes into the lamp or move around me and my computer… What to do? I have to confess that I kind of look forward to go back home – I’m tired to be travelling alone and tired of all the insects- I’m homesick. I just paid my bill and realized that I have stayed here for nearly three weeks with full board for less than 250 euros/2500 spänn.

I will move to a friend’s house down in Batti for the weekend – I think, or maybe I go to Colombo this weekend, since my friend might be stuck there until next week. So will let you know ;-).


Yesterday was indeed an interesting day, where I really felt I almost got identified. If you know what I mean.  Later when we visited this beach I’m telling you it was breathtaking but on the other hand I walked there and got pissed off because no people can enter this beautiful place – except us and army apparently, hehe.


Went down to Batti today and for the first time succeeded to take out money from an ATM. If you travel to Sri Lanka don’t bring your VISA card, bring your MasterCard. But I finally found a bank that accepted VISA – very good.


The thundering just started out over the sea, so guess it might rain later tonight. This morning I woke up early and its was cool and fresh in the air but oh, the shower was coooold. But at least I woke up properly.


Somehow the intake of sweets and other food has increased the longer I have been here- they feed me with stuff – and I cant say no because then they will get disappointed. So I think my weight watcher action was in vain… But at least I have a nice tan, so I don’t complain too much.





Postat av: Maria Larsson

För en gång skull kollade jag min yahoo-mail och hittade länken till din blogg. Härligt att "Höra" ifrån dig, för man kan faktiskt höra din röst uttala orden du skriver. Kul! Skönt att höra att allt är bra med dig trots hemlängtan. I Estocolmo rullar allt på som vanligt, inget nytt under solen. Hade tänkt åka till Göteborg i helgen och hälsa på Josefine och Linda, men orken tröt. Jobbigt att köra bil dit och tåg är dyrt. Nu drar jag hem från jobbet snart och går eventuellt på Soldaten Svejk med Cesar and friends. Många Kramar /Maria

2011-10-06 @ 16:35:29

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