Cricket Club

I came to the hotel just before two last night, a bit tired and with a hurting stomach. I woke up this morning feeling ok - I was very relieved that my stomach had calmed down.

Around lunchtime I took a tuktuk to Barefoot to make sure to get some proper coffee and a nice lunch. stayed some hour there waiting for my stomach to calm down - didnt really like proper food... or coffee. Had done a budget and a shopping plan for the day earlier in the morning but realized that I had to minimize the shopping and basically just bought movies and two seasons of Modern Family, then went back to the hotel and watched the series - needed to rest.
At the cafe I met a friend from before and we decided to meet up later this evening with my other friend from before. And I was so happy the place we choosed was the Cricket Club - nostalgia! There I have had many nice dinners with friends and lunches with my older brother - nice indeed.
Tomorrow I plan to take a walk on the beach in the morning and then meet up with Dan and relax somewhere nice. Im happy to be here but even happier to be getting back home soon. I think my stomach also look forward as well.
Tomorrow late night I will head out to the airport and 4 in the morning the next day the plane departs. Jippie!


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